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+221 33 978 37 47


Consultation days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Hours: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (EMERGENCY 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.)

  Ground floor, main entrance on the left

Presentation of the service

The ENT department of the Cheikh Ahmadoul Khadim National Hospital Center in Touba Otorhinolaryngology (literally “study of the ear, nose and larynx”) and head and neck surgery represent a medico-surgical branch specializing in diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nose, throat, ear, and head and neck region. It has many subspecialties.

Treated pathologies

Pathologies of the nose and sinuses: Rhinosinusitis, nasal tumors, nasal foreign bodies, epistaxis, etc. 

Ear pathologies: Otitis, tympanic perforation, ear foreign bodies, tinnitus, dizziness, deafness, trauma to the bone, tumors, etc.

Neck pathologies: Congenital neck cysts and fistulas, penetrating neck wounds, cervico-facial cellulitis, lymphadenophlegmon, cervical lymphadenopathy, etc.

 Other pathologies of the upper aero-digestive tract: tumors of the upper aero-digestive tract, pharyngitis, hypertrophy of the adenoids, laryngitis, laryngomalacia, voice disorders, foreign bodies, etc. 

Pathologies of the main salivary glands and thyroid: Tumors of the main salivary glands, under stone and non-stone maxillitis, parotitis, multinodular goiter, Graves' disease, thyroid tumor, etc. 

Others: ENT emergencies, peripheral facial paralysis

• Consultation: (times and days) 

 Consultation days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday                                         

• Hospitalization :  

• Operating room: Thursday and Friday

The equipment


-Functional and morphological exploration device

- Auditory evoked potential (AEP) and oto-acoustic emission (OEA) device 

- Tonal and vocal audiometry device 

- Impedance meter 

- Videonystagmoscope 

- Operating microscope (Oto-microscopy) 

Equipment for endoscopic nose and sinus surgery  

-Ear surgery equipment (myringoplaty)


In pictures


The team behind the service

The medical team of the ENT department is made up of an Associate Professor in ENT, Pr Mame Sanou DIOUF, two ENT doctors, Dr Mouhamed BARRY and Dr Cheikh Diène NIANG. He is also part of a paramedical team made up of three nurses, a nursing assistant and two medical secretaries.

Pr Mame Sanou Diouf

Service chief