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Du lundi au Dimanche H24
Presentation of the service
The pharmacy of the Cheikh Ahmadoul Khadim National Hospital Center of TOUBA (CHNCAKT) or pharmacy for indoor use (PUI) is considered a medico-technical service due to its medico-pharmaceutical component (dispensing and pharmaceutical analysis), and its sterilization and its component. production project (pharmacotechnics). Managed by a pharmacist, it is administratively placed “under the direct authority of the hospital director”. The CHNCAKT PUI is not an isolated entity, but is structured around the hospital management centers and is functionally located in a transversal position between:
• Care units, through the services they provide (dispensing/distribution of pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical evaluation/expertise, pharmaco-technical production) and reciprocal flows of information (establishment of pharmaceutical needs in particular), care units themselves grouped and/or coordinated within the establishment medical commission (CME) on the one hand, and the nursing service on the other;
• The non-medical services of the hospital, in particular those qualified as administrative, financial and technical via management.
It is one of the first services which started their activities as soon as the hospital opened. It subscribes to a quality approach with a view to obtaining ISO 9001 version 2015 certification.
Missions of the service
The CHNCAKT pharmacy ensures the dispensation of all sterile medications and medical devices for hospitalized patients. To carry out this mission, a team of pharmacists, administrative staff, pharmacy assistants, paramedical staff and service staff coordinate around the following activities:
• Supply management, secure holding of health products,
• Management of the distribution/dispensing of medicines and sterile medical devices, as well as other pharmaceutical monopoly products according to good practices and current regulations,
• Analysis of prescriptions by pharmacists with intervention if necessary and advice on proper use,
Sterilization of reusable medical instruments and devices,
• Traceability of certain medications and implantable medical devices.
Guarantor of the safety of medication care throughout the patient's journey, the pharmaceutical team also participates in numerous prevention and risk management actions:
• Securing the medication care of patients by installing emergency cabinets in certain care units,
• Participation in actions to prevent antibiotic resistance and healthcare-associated infections,
• Participation in the establishment’s vigilance (pharmaco- and materiovigilance),
• Participation in the establishment’s committees (hygiene committee, CME scientific committee, etc.).
Often invisible to the public eye, they act for the safety and quality of patient care.
The CHNCAKT PUI is made up of four functional units (UF):
• UF Product and service management: Dr Samba AW
• UF Deposit management – sales: Dr Saliou NDIAYE
• UF Sterilization: Dr Ousmane NGOM
UF Administrative: (Ms. Maimouna DIOUF FAYE, Ms. Aminatou NDIAYE)
These unit managers are assisted by pharmaceutical, paramedical and/or administrative staff.
In pictures
The team behind the service
The CHNCAKT PUI team is made up of pharmaceutical, paramedical, administrative and service staff.
Organizational charts (structural and functional) of the pharmacy which define hierarchical relationships and written job descriptions defining the specific tasks of staff members are established.
Dr. Abdoulahi NDIAYE
Service chief
Hospital pharmacist, practitioner; Dr Abdoulahi NDIAYE is the head of the PUI department at the Cheikh Ahmadoul Khadim National Hospital Center in Touba. He is an industrial pharmacist by training, a regulatory practitioner, a specialist in quality management of health products and food and in pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics. He was a temporary teacher in analytical chemistry and bromatology at the faculty of medicine, pharmacy and odontology of UCAD. In terms of research, he has worked on many themes: counterfeiting of medicines, validation of analytical methods for medicines, dependence on prescription opioids, misuse of medicines, health vigilance, pharmaco- epidemiology, pharmacoeconomics etc.
He is also a consultant in pharmaceutical regulation and actively participates in the project to revive the Senegalese pharmaceutical industry.