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77 451 42 50


Collection time: 7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

  is located on the ground floor on the right

Presentation of the service

The laboratory is a versatile diagnostic support service; all medical biology analyzes are carried out there.

Our mission is to offer a reliable sampling and diagnostic service as quickly as possible. In this sense we are part of a quality assurance policy based on best practices and international standards. The acquisition of high-tech devices will allow us to adequately meet the needs of the population.

Missions of the service

Blood count (NFS): 5000FCFA
  Rhesus blood grouping (GSRH): 4000FCFA
  Sedimentation speed (V): 2000FCFA
Prothrombin rate (PT) and INR: 5000FCFA
Partial thromboplastin time with activator (TCA) or TCK: 5000FCFA
D dimers: 15000FCFA
Hemoglobin electrophoresis: 10000FCFA
 Direct Coombs test: 10,000 FCFA
 Indirect Coombs test or RAI: ​​10,000 FCFA
Compatibility test: 10000FCFA
Reticulocyte rate: 7000FCFA
Emmel test (TE): 2000FCFA
Fasting blood sugar: 2000 FCFA
(GAJ) x Casual blood sugar: 2000FCFA
 Ionogram (Na+,K+,Cl-): 7000FCFA
 Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c): 10000FCFA
  Protein or total protein: 3000FCFA
Albumin: 3000FCFATransaminases (ASAT – ALT): 6000FCFA
 Alkaline phosphatase (ALP): 5000FCFA
 Gamma-GT: 5000FCFA
 Total and direct bilirubin: 6000FCFA
 C-reactive protein (CRP): 5000FCFA
Total PSA: 15,000 FCFA
     Ultrasensitive TSH: 15000FCFA
 Free T4: 15000FCFA
 Ferritinemia: 15000FCFA
 Serum iron (sideremia): 3000FCFA
 Albumin – sugar (strip): 1000FCFA
   Magnesemia: 3000FCFA
 Lipid balance: 12000FCFA
   Phosphoremia: 3000FCFA
 Uric acid (uric acid): 2000FCFA
 Urea (uremia): 3000FCFA
 Serum creatinine: 3000FCFA
  LDH (lactate dehydrogenase): 5000FCFA
phosphokinase (CK or CPK): 5000FCFA
 Lipasemia: 5000FCFA
 24-hour proteinuria (P24): 3000FCFA
Gonadotropin (FSH): 15000FCFA
 Gonadotropin (LH): 15000FCFA
 ACE (carcinoembryonic antigen): 15000FCFA
Human chorionic gonadotropin (BHCG): 15000FCFA
 CA-125: 15,000 FCFA
AFP (alpha feto-protein): 15000FCFA
 Serum protein electrophoresis: 10000FCFA
 Troponinemia: 15000FCFA
Cytochemistry of puncture fluids: 6000FCFA
 Rheumatoid factor (RF or WR): 4500FCFA
 Blood smear: 3000FCFA
 Urinary pellet: 2000FCFA
 HLM or ADDIS account: 2000 2000FCFA
 Thick drop (GE): 2000
  Retroviral serology (HIV): free
 Antistreptolysins O (ASLO): 4500
 BW or syphilitic serology: 4000
 Toxoplasmosis serology: 20,000

The equipment :

Architect à 2 modules, Indiko Plus, Pentra C 200, Hemocue, Microlab 300, Vidas PC, Mini-Vidas, Humalyte Plus (x2), Stago Compact Max 3, StarMax, Genrui KT 6400, Yumizen H500, Pentra ABX XRL, Vitek 2, Bact Alert 3D, Microscope optique (x4)


In pictures


The team behind the service

The laboratory is headed by Doctor Mame Ndoumbé Mbacké, pharmacist biologist, former intern at Dakar hospitals. 

The medical team: is made up of Doctor Cheikh Ndiaye, Doctor Mouhamadou Moustapha Gueye, Doctor Yetoum Ba and Doctor Aliou Faye.

The paramedical team: is made up of 12 senior biology technicians, 2 nursing assistants and 3 secretaries.

Dr. Mame Ndoumbé MBACKE

Service chief

The laboratory is headed by Doctor Mame Ndoumbé Mbacké, pharmacist biologist, former intern at Dakar hospitals.