The maintenance service
The technical maintenance service works 24/7
Presentation of the service
The Cheikh Ahmadoul Khadim National Hospital Center in Touba is a reference structure, with extremely important specialties and latest generation equipment. Thus the Technical Maintenance Service plays a vital role in the management and sustainability of biomedical devices and equipment, in order to provide patients with quality care and also allow the structure's staff to have functional and reliable equipment.
Missions of the service
The Technical Maintenance Service has the following missions:
- Ensure preventive maintenance of equipment, installations and infrastructure
- Ensure corrective maintenance of equipment, installations and infrastructure
- Ensure training of user personnel on equipment and installations
- Ensure Quality Control on equipment and installations
- Ensure the functionality of equipment and installations
- Ensure the availability of spare parts and maintenance contracts.
The Technical Maintenance Service, to properly carry out its activities, needs qualified personnel, tools, measurement and testing control equipment, and spare parts. The coordination of the activities of the Technical Maintenance Service requires a well-structured organization, with the creation of the Biomedical Division and the Civil Engineering Division. Thus, each division will have its well-defined activities and missions. The start-up of the secretariat will allow real-time reception of requests for intervention issued by other services and ensure dispatching. It will also ensure the management of the CMMS for the traceability of interventions and the equipment fleet.
The acquisition of these ECME (Measuring and Testing Control Equipment) makes it possible to control the performance of the equipment, after one or more preventive or corrective maintenance operations. This quality control ensures the reliability of the results provided by diagnostic or treatment services.
Still within this operating framework of the Technical Maintenance Service, a training plan must be included to update the knowledge of technical staff.
In pictures
The team behind the service
The maintenance service team mainly consists of two specialties:
Biomedical Specialty: includes biomedical engineers and technicians.
Civil Engineering Specialty: brings together various trades, such as:
Refrigeration specialists.
Mr Ousmane Diakhate
Service chief
Holder of a Specialized Masters in Biomedical Equipment (engineering degree) from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC) in France, his career began at the National Training Center for Maintenance Technicians of Diourbel (CNFTMH), where he been trained. Subsequently, he continued his studies at the École Polytechnique de Thiès (EPT) in the Electromechanical Engineering department, where he obtained his Higher Technician diploma. He also had the chance to follow several training courses in biomedical maintenance in Japan, India and France.